In the contemporary condition of the West, the present has become uninhabitable. Temporal refugees, we flee towards two salvations: the past and the future. In the wake of Modern naïveté, the latter has been disheartened. It lays as a wasteland in our foresights, remaining only in its incrementally dismantled form, the byproduct of two jetliners on an otherwise quotidian morning in September.
Disenfranchised, we have clung to the hindsight, a time of blurred idealism pervasive with positivity before the eventuality of an unforgiving reality. Straightforwardly rendered, the present and its uncontrollable ramifications thereafter leave us without control. We find ourselves to be the victims of an uncanny and transient determinism, cast aside into a consistently expanding pool of banausic martyrdom. Nostalgia becomes the post-rationalization for our comprehension of an idealized past. The least of three evils, this series presents itself as an interpolation into the realm of nostalgia through recognizable abstraction in architectural form and icon as the preemptive arrival at a threshold for further exploration.