This project undertook a study of a particular detail from Eric Owen Moss Architects’ 3535 Hayden Building. In studying the joint between wooden timbers, a steel plate and bolts, the project examined the necessary spaces and elements in an architectural composition as productive grounds for interpolation.
Exploded axonometric view of the detail and its constituent parts, showing the transition of the diagonal wood framing from the building's original roof through an adjacent cylindrical gypsum board wall
The project sought both to particulate the detail as an architectural intervention into an existing condition and to examine our contemporary modes of architectural documentation, particularly in the emerging case of photogrammetry software.
Photographs of the detail in situ
Techniques of 3D scanning were compared with idealized reconstructions, from which a model was abstracted to represent the material seams and discontinuities.
Axonometric and oblique elevation of existing detail condition
This facilitated the reconstruction of an idealized geometry for the detail, from which texture, hierarchy and arrangement could be representationally and formally explored as methods for describing intersection.
If tectonics are about bringing together a wide array of materials and forms, this project undertook a precise examination about what exactly it entails in terms of materials and organizations to make such situations both occur and function.
Axonometric and elevation views of abstracted detail object
Understanding the object as a mesh rendering of itself approximated the abstraction and material indifference of the computer, consequently flattening the understanding of material joinery that has for so long constituted the disciplinary prerogative of architectural tectonics, in senses both documentary and representational.
Axonometric and elevation views of abstracted detail object, rendered in mesh wireframe